Monday, June 22, 2015

First Week in the MTC

Hello peeps, 

I am officially a missionary!!
It is crazy, when I am wearing my name tag and I have Christ's name on my chest I just feel so good! It is an amazing feeling. The MTC is amazing I LOVE THE MTC. I am learning so much and I feel like everyday is a new amazing experience. Its like being on a spiritual high all the time! 

Something awesome that I have learned this week that I wanted to share with you all is that the times that you feel like you don't need to talk to God, or that you don't feel worthy, is when you need to talk to him the most.

So after I got settled in on the first day, got my name tag and everything I needed, I met my companion. Or should I say companions..... I HAVE TWO COMPANIONS!! I am one of the very few missionaries in a trio. It is so fun! Both of my companions are going to West Virginia as well. There names are Sister Robinson and Sister Miller! They are both from Utah, and Sister Robinson and I actually went to High School together! Its crazy but we never knew each other but she is awesome! Sister Miller is from Lehi and she is really sweet. They are the best companions ever!

Second day as companions!
Sister Miller is on the left and Sister Robinson is on the right! They are too cute.​
Our District is really awesome too. There are two other sisters, Sister Farr and Sister Eckley. They are going to Little Rock. Arkansas. They sleep in the same room as us too and it is so much fun! Sister Eckley is from California and she has this really yummy chocolate that she shares with us! And Sister Farr kills us when we play volleyball at gym time! I love them all!
There are 6 elders in our district and they are all really cool. 4 of them are going to West Virginia like us! The other 2 are going to Des Moines, Iowa. One of them Elder Corless, he is from California, and he is so good at beat boxing! He showed us yesterday and it was crazy! All the elders are so funny and so spiritual I love having district discussions and devotionals. I always learn so much from them!

​Our Sister Training Leaders in our zone decorated our door for us!!
Left to right: Sister Miller, Sister Willis, Sister Robinson, Sister Farr, and Sister Eckley!
Something that we try to do as missionaries is to call each other by Sisters and Elders. It is really hard for me to not call people 'guys'. As missionaries we need to be more professional and not use casual language or slang. As a district we have been working on that specifically and one of the elders, Elder Miller said, "No more slanguage!" And I thought it was the funniest thing, so every time I accidentally say, 'you guys' or 'ladies' I think to myself, "No slanguage!" Sometimes to stop saying 'you guys' we have to say 'yall' so we already sound like we are from the south! 

The elders in our district also love to sing "Ye Elders Of Israel" and so in turn we sing "As sisters in Zion" together. It is so much fun! They also like to refer to themselves as 'Ye Elders Of Israel' so the sisters in our district now call ourselves 'Sisters In Zion'. I love it! And it is great because right now my district is my family, and even though we have only known each other a few days, we have grown close like a family. I LOVE MY DISTRICT.

I learned that there are 25 other missionaries going to West Virginia on the same day as us! We leave on June 30 at like 3 in the morning, I'm not looking forward to that part, but that isn't until next week.
I am learning so much and I am trying to be a better servant and disciple of Christ TODAY than I was YESTERDAY. Following God's will is so important and we need to always be continuing to learn and to progress spiritually so that we can become more like our Savior.

Sunday has been by far my favorite day. We have been mostly sitting in classrooms all day learning and practicing teaching and studying but on Sunday we were able to have Sacrament meeting which was AMAZING. We also went to a choir practice in the evening so we can sing in the devotional on Tuesday! It was really spiritually uplifting and it was nice to just sing and relax a little bit. We sang "Precious Savoir Dear Redeemer" Then we got to watch the video of Elder Bednar talking at an MTC devotional. It was so great.

​I also ran into SISTER BOWSER! I LOVE HER. She is so sweet. Seeing her was great!
It's kind of weird but its hard to sleep here because after a long day I have a million things going through my mind!! And also every night as I am laying in my bed, I always have little hymns going through my head, which has never happened before! I can't sleep because I am singing church songs in my head. I think its kind of funny, but I know that the Lord has helped me to not be singing other songs that I shouldn't be singing. Its a funny blessing. 

I hope that all of you have been having a good week, and remember this. Have and attitude of obedience seek to do the things that please Heavenly Father.

Also read Moroni 7:13 


-Sister Willis

P.S. Letters are really cool. 

Sister Kayla Marie Willis
2009 N 900 E Unit 106
Provo UT 84602

Sisters in her district
Temple Day

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