Hello everyone! I made it to West Virginia!! Also, Merry CHRISTmas. Because He is the Reason for the Season :)
Sister Farnsworth and I with Jerose, TJ, Sylee, and Keith at the Baptism |
I have been on a roller coaster of emotions this past week. Leaving the Ashland area was hard, but I am SO excited to be here in Elkins. This is like my first real encounter with real West Virginia people.... They are so great! I can't even describe them. My new companions name is Sister Roberts... She is AMAZING! She is from Alberta, Canada. She has been on her mission for 3 months now and I love her to death. She is so funny and such a joy to work with. She is so ready to work and I love her positive attitude!
A goal that I have for my mission is to leave a positive ripple effect
everywhere I go. I know how what I do in an area can effect future missionaries, our investigators, and the members of the ward. My actions can change how everyone sees us, and it is so hard to gain trust of others, because of something silly that someone else has done in the past. I am striving to leave each area I go to, better than I found it. I know that I left Ashland better that I found it six months ago and I hope that future missionaries will continue to be diligent and love the people that I grew so close to there. Every single area in this mission has huge potential! I am so excited to use the skills I have learned in Ashland and to apply them into a new area.
Selfie with Jerose before the Baptism |
My last day in Ashland, I was able to witness Jerose and TJ being baptized. It was such a special day for me, I love them so much. They are such a special family and I am so grateful for the time I had to teach them. Keith said the opening prayer to the baptism and he said, "We are so grateful for the blessings that your about to bestow on me and my family." He was so happy!! It was so special for the whole family. I got to give the talk on Baptism and I shared Helaman 5:12 and I talked about how if they build their foundation on Christ, they will not fall. Jerose was tearing up and I know that she and TJ felt the spirit so strong. I love what I do and I am so grateful for this time I have to help bring others unto Christ.
This is Our House in Elkins. This was the First Snow. |
I love my mission and I love being here in Elkins. We have had some amazing lessons so far and I am so glad that I am here at this time and that I am with Sister Roberts. I know without a doubt that every companion I have had so far has been with me for a reason. MY MISSION IS TO BLESS.
Pretty Sad First Snow in Elkins |
~Sister Kayla Marie Willis
Here is my new address! Don't forget to write :)
Sister Kayla Willis
Route 3 Box 518B
Elkins, WV 26241
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